How do you spend your time? Does it matter? This discussion starter considers our responsibilities as Christians and asks how we set our priorities.
For this discussion starter you will need paper, pens and several pocket calculators. Ask each young person to write down ten things they have done the previous week. For example, watching TV, eating breakfast, cleaning their teeth, talking to their parents, talking to friends on the phone, playing sports, going to youth group, shopping etc. Then ask them to estimate the amount of time (in hours), they spent on this activity. Five minutes a day adds up to 35 minutes a week, about ½ hour.
Multiply the time in hours by 0.42 (using the calculators) and you get the number of years you would spend on that activity in an average lifetime. So, someone who looked around the shops for three hours a week would spend 3 times 0.42 years of their time shopping in a life of seventy years. For the calculation to work properly remember to work in hours and not in minutes.
Ask the young people to share some of their results and write these up on a whiteboard or flipchart. Some of the results will amuse, while others may be a surprise. Don't make any judgments on the results. Instead use them to facilitate a discussion on the use of our time. For example;
- Is there anything you would like to spend less time on?
- Is there anything you would like to spend more time on?
- Do you think some of your time is wasted?
- How would your life be different if you knew Jesus was returning in six months time?
Move from discussion into reflection about how we use our time. Does it
matter how I spend my time? As a Christian do I have a responsibility
for how I spend my time? Do I need to set priorities? How can I make
the most of my time? Bible verses you could explore together might
include Ephesians 4: 1, Ephesians 5: 15-17 or Matthew 24: 36-51
It's easy to think we have all the time in the world, but stewarding
the time we have been given by God is something very important and
should not be ignored. Time is a priceless resource and God cares
how it is used. Close your discussion and reflection by taking time
to thank God for the time you have been given. Ask him to show you how
to make the best use of your gift of time.
For more, click on discussion starters in the category list.
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i have been a leader for a while and i have found it hard to inter act with the youth.havin read your site i am eye-opened and i look forward to great work with the youth.problem doing a great job thanx a lot.wil keep in touch
Posted by: cameron mohlodi | 15/03/2008 at 19:38