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Kimberly Riddle

This is a fantastic site! I am involved in Youth Ministry and am constantly looking for information and programs that will connect with our youth. I have been praying God would lead me to information that would be interesting and engaging to our youth, and God led me to your site! I will be praying for this site to continue to grow and blossom as you are doing a great work for Youth Ministry!


@ Tycle. Hello from the UK. Thanks for leaving a comment. I'm glad you find the resources helpful. I'll continue to post something new every week. I hope I can continue to serve you, as you minister to the young people in your community. God Bless.


I am so glad I found this info. We are new pastors of our student ministry. We haven't had any formal training or schooling. We are however ready for the challenge. We have be in ministry at our former church with a team of people for 3 years. This site has truly blessed me and I am so excited and glad that you offer this info for free. I will continue to pray for this site and all those affiliated with it. Continue to share your experiences and tools to help us workers in the Gospel, to be equipped. Thanks for sharing and allowing us a chance to receive. Thanks again sooo much. God Bless.

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