Two Christmas icebreakers and a youth talk on giving gifts and God's greatest gift in Jesus. Help young people look afresh at the Christmas story and reflect on the real meaning of Christmas.
This Christmas resource can be used as part of a youth night, youth club or Christmas presentation. It works well with 11-14's but please adapt according to the knowledge and age of your group.
Gifts are an important part of Christmas for everyone. We all like to receive gifts, but Christmas also provides an opportunity to give gifts to our family and friends. What kind of presents are you buying this year for your mum, dad, brother, sister or best friend? Discuss.
Introduce the two icebreakers by explaining that we are going to practice wrapping a gift - but with a few differences!
Preparation: two large cardboard boxes, Christmas wrapping paper, two pairs of scissors, tape, two ribbons or bows and a whistle.
Select two teams of six young people who stand at one side of the room. At the other side is placed a large cardboard box for each team with wrapping paper, scissors, tape, ribbon and a bow. Explain that at your signal the first person runs across the room to the box and begins to wrap it. After 15 secs a whistle will blow and they must run back to the other side of the room and tag the next team member who continues the wrapping process. End the relay when the box is wrapped or everyone has had a turn. Encourage everyone for their efforts and award a small gift to everyone for taking part! Come on its Christmas!
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